Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Is Donald Trump a Fascist?

Dedicated to danielwalldammit, who knows so much that isn’t true.

I remember my surprise the first and only time my second son told me he’d gotten in trouble with the principal at school.  I asked what happened and he sheepishly confessed:  “I called Adam ‘gay.’”

“Do you even know what that means?” I asked my little third-grader, to which he sadly replied, “No, but it must be something really bad because the principal was mad and talked to us for a long time about it.”

Me:  “Well if you don’t know what it means, why did you call him that?”

My son:  “He wouldn’t stop bothering us and the other kids started calling him ‘gay’ so I did too.”

(FYI and in my son’s defense, Adam could be a very insistent pest.  He was the type of kid who, if he saw two kids building a sand castle, would have to run over and smash it.  He could try the patience of a saint).

That memory is what comes to mind whenever I hear those on the Left (like danielwalldammit) yelling “fascist” like a bunch of school children at Donald Trump.  Few of them actually understands what the word means, and those who do understand the meaning could not care less that it is makes no sense to apply it to Trump.  Truth is not the goal (it never is with the Left).  Justifying a self-serving “resistance” movement, and ultimately nullifying an election, is the goal.

From Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, here’s the actual definition of fascism:

1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Let’s take those pieces one by one.

“Exalts nation above the individual.”

It’s easy to see why this part of the definition of fascism is so confusing to the child-like minds of the Left.  Patriotism, which Merriam Webster’s defines as “love for or devotion to one’s country,” is inarguably a necessary element to the prosperity and endurance of a nation, the U.S. being the living proof of this fact.  Normal people, the Left excepted of course, feel a certain sense of loyalty to their home countries.  Donald Trump understands this as well as anyone, and to his credit he has tried to restore the patriotism that was repressed by the Obama Administration in its efforts to “transform” this country to Obama’s liking.  But patriotism shouldn’t be confused with nationalism, which Merriam Webster’s defines as:

“loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness; exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.  Intense nationalism was one of the causes of the war.”

Donald Trump asks Americans and their elected representatives to be put America first, which ought to be our natural inclination, but he made a point of encouraging other world leaders to put their own countries first as well, as they naturally should.  His quest is not to force American culture or interests on other nations beyond the normal drive that any nation has to assert its influence, and I defy the leftists to demonstrate otherwise with facts.

“Exalts race above the individual.”

There is zero evidence that Donald Trump is attempting to advance policies that elevate one race above any other, and anyone who says otherwise should come prepared with their facts.  I’m not going to waste my time or readers’ time trying to disprove a negative.  If you’ve got evidence, bring it.  If not, then have the decency to shut up.

“Stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.”

This part is really a head-scratcher coming from the party of Barack ‘I’ve got a Pen and Phone’ Obama and Big-Government Bernie.  Trump has led the charge to free Americans from the Democrat shackles of overregulation and from the unconstitutional dictates of Barack Obama, who repeatedly admitted that he had no authority to impose DACA on this nation (while Democrats like danielwalldammit urged him to ignore the Constitution) before he decided that he would do it anyway.  It is Democrats, not Trump or Republicans, that favor anything resembling centralized autocratic government and dictatorship.

“Severe economic and social regimentation.”

Once again this is a head-scratcher.  Between Democrats and Republicans, which one can more likely be said to favor “severe economic regimentation?”  It is Democrats, not Trump or Republicans, that insist on giving the government the power to micromanage everything in the economy, from where you can purchase insurance and what your policy must include to what wages an employer must pay an employee who works at will.  It is Democrats, not Republicans, that have taken over the operation of our schools such that they micromanage every policy right down to the theme of the “holiday” cookies parents are allowed to bring.  It is Democrats, not Trump or Republicans, that try to criminalize speech and even thought.  So please, stop making me laugh.

“Forcible suppression of opposition.”

In what way has Donald Trump forcibly suppressed opposition?  I’ll be waiting for your list, danielwalldammit, but I won’t be holding my breath.

The careless use of words like “fascist” can be dangerous to a society.  The truth should matter to people of good conscience, and to people whose intentions are noble.  Therein lays the problem with danielwalldammit and his like-minded friends on the Left.


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