Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Real Donald Trump on Freedom Caucus: 'We must fight them'

That’s the headline at Fox News today based upon a tweet this morning by @realDonaldTrump which says:

 "The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!”

I want to thank president Trump for clarifying who the “real” Donald Trump is for those who might not have been paying attention.  The Real Donald Trump has embraced the socialist-lite policies of establishment Republicans in the House and Party leadership, and The Real Donald Trump sees the Freedom Caucus as the enemy.   He’s pretty much threatened to use the power of his office to drive out The Freedom Caucus if they won’t get on board the Trump train. 

Needless to say I hope conservatives, whether initially Trump fans or not, are hearing alarms go off with the rhetoric that’s coming from Trump and his surrogates.  The word “loyalty” keeps popping up, as if House members with an “R” after their names are somehow now beholding to Donald Trump rather than to their constituents or to the Constitution.  I hate to invoke the Hitler analogy since it’s been so gratuitously and absurdly misused by the Left against Republicans, but personal loyalty to one man was no small part of Germany's problem.  How was the U.S., or the Democrat Party for that matter, served by personal loyalty to Barack Obama?  Let history teach us the proverbial lesson conservatives are always fondly preaching about by focusing loyalty where it rightly belongs:  to the people and the Constitution. 

I have a message for The Real Donald Trump.  I hopped aboard your train rather than face a head-on collision, but don’t think I’m going to sit quietly in my seat while you steer the train down the wrong track just because it’s the track of least resistance.  I don’t care about your legacy.  I care about the future of this nation and about preserving our Constitution for the welfare and freedom of my children and fellow citizens. 

Long live the Freedom Caucus.


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