Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Lochte’s Out, but Hillary’s Up. Make Sense to You?

Curioser and curioser.  That’s how I would describe the state of our national principles and priorities.  People are up in arms about Ryan Lochte’s lies, and that’s fine.  Lies hurt people and they ought to have consequences.  But where is the commensurate disgust and outrage with one of this country’s most infamous and far more dangerous liars, Hillary Clinton?  Depending on which poll you see some 65-80% of voters distrust her and understand that she’s dishonest, yet she basks in cheers and applause while poor little Ryan Lochte is taking a huge loss in endorsements.  Remember the big headlines over “inflate-gate?”  Any outrage over Clinton’s web of corruption pales in comparison.  It’s a sad world when people care more about ethics in sports  than for presidential candidates, but I guess if the Clintons and Democrats have taught us anything it’s how to be, um, flexible with our standards.  “Flexible” might be too soft a word, actually.  Schizophrenic is more like it.

On an interesting and related note, Fox News has noted how the leftwing media is doing its best to tie Lochte to Donald Trump.  Although there seems to be no evidence that Lochte supports Trump (he was for Obama last time around, according to the piece, which explains his casual relationship with the truth), the MSM apparently believes that tying a known liar to Trump will taint Trump.  Once again I’m left scratching my head.  If Lochte’s lies taint Trump, why don’t Clinton’s own lies taint her in the minds of the MSM?  It makes little sense…..unless you understand who the MSM really are, as we do here.  When they say they’re here to “make a difference,” it’s not the kind of difference you might think.

Regular readers here understand that I’m no Trump fan, in part because he too plays fast and loose with the truth when it suits him.  But Trump’s no Hillary.  She’s in a class all her own.


Also posted at the site, The Pesky Truth.  Please leave a comment there.  Blogger is annoying - I can't comment at my own site anymore!

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