nothing quite so uncomfortable as seeming to be on the same side as your enemy,
but thanks to Trump & Company’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party,
that’s where I find myself. True
conservatives and true leftists both dislike Trump, but for very different
reasons. Those few qualities that
conservatives do appreciate about Trump, such as his refusal to be cowed by
political correctness, are the very same qualities that the Left most despises
him for; thus every day I am torn between condemning Trump and defending
him. That’s just one of the unfortunate
consequences of foisting a non-conservative “leader” onto what purports to be a
conservative organization, but let’s not sell that consequence short. There are serious dynamics at stake in the
outcome of this election beyond temporary control of the nation. If Trump loses to Hillary, what will his
rejection be attributed to? Will it be
seen as a failure of Republicans to nominate a candidate that conservatives
could support or will it be seen as the American public’s rejection of Trump’s
brand of so-called “intolerance” and defiance against political correctness? The latter is surely how the liberal media would
portray it, because the Left understands, as the Right never has, that
perception – when skillfully manipulated – far outweighs reality. If a Trump loss is sold as the Democrats
triumph over “bigotry” and anti-globalism the issues that are seen as Trump’s
signature issues – illegal immigration, refugee settlement, putting America
first, etc., - will become an albatross around the neck of the next
Republican. Therefore it behooves those
of us who don’t support Trump, or who do so with great trepidation, to be clear
and vocal about both our disagreements and our agreements with him.
My reasons
for rejecting Trump in the primary and refusing to commit to voting for him in
the general election have been out there for some time but I’ll list them again
for the benefit of any new readers.
Donald Trump is not a conservative, either by word or by the history of
his deeds. A tough stance against
illegal immigration, as welcomed as it is, does not a conservative make. The sound of someone being politically
incorrect can be intoxicating, but if you sober up long enough to actually listen to Trump’s words and read between
the lines you’ll see that he’s a proponent of big-government with no
understanding of the basic, conservative principles upon which this nation is
founded. That is the person who will, by
default, be the “conservative” alternative versus Hillary Clinton in this race. His failures and infamous foibles, therefore,
will taint conservatism long after he’s gone.
That, in as small a nutshell as I can make, is why am considering sitting
out the presidential ballot this time around.
But despite
my dislike of Trump as the Republican nominee, I will not conspire with the
Left, through silence or otherwise, to politically crucify those who dare to challenge
the Left’s insistence on censoring the truth.
I know there is great irony in the often truth-challenged Donald Trump
being the champion of political incorrectness a.k.a. speaking the truth, but
there it is. The mental disease of liberalism
excepted, illegal immigration is this nation’s greatest unacknowledged
threat. Trump, to his credit, has done
what too many Republicans failed to do, and woken a
country that was largely asleep with its collective head up its…..….well, you
know. And he deserves credit for not
cowing to political correctness when it comes to Muslim immigration and
terrorism. Though I don’t necessarily
agree with his specific proposals for addressing these problems, I will
strongly defend his right and his rightness for raising them without apology.
election, more than any I can remember, has become a referendum on free speech.
But it’s also a referendum on
conservatism. Somehow we have to find a
way to preserve both.
Please visit
me at The
Pesky Truth blogsite, where this and other conservative posts can be
viewed. Thanks!