Thursday, September 6, 2012

What has the Obama Presidency “Revealed” About Obama?

I didn’t see Michelle Obama’s speech the other night, but I’ve seen a few people, including one writer at CNN online, quoting this line from her speech: 

"Being president doesn't change who you are. ... It reveals who you are."

Wow.  That’s quite a nice line, to be sure.  Unless you actually think about it, that is.  Because, even being as objective as I can possibly be, I can’t think of anything good that’s been revealed about Barack Obama by his presidency.

Being president has revealed that, contrary to his criticisms of Bush and the promises made in 2008, Obama obviously has no sincere interest in reducing the debt.  In fact, he’s been quite busy doing just the opposite – multiplying it as fast as he possibly can as if he’s on some kind of game show.

Obama revealed that he doesn’t care about balancing the budget during our lifetimes, because he proposed a budget so absurd that it was laughed out of congress – even by democrats.

If you believe Obama’s claims that he thought an $800 billion stimulus was the solution to our problems and it didn’t work because he didn’t really understand how bad off we really were, then It’s been revealed that he’s clueless about the economy.  If you believe he had other motives in mind, as I do, then it’s been revealed that the health of the U.S. economy doesn’t matter to Obama except to the extent that he needs to give people just enough hope to be re-elected.  Either way, nothing good has been revealed.

The Obama presidency has revealed that he’s an enforcer of socialized medicine, willing to shove it down the throat of every American whether they want it or not.  And it’s been revealed that this took precedence over most everything else in his first term, including jobs.  Also revealed were his plans to socialize the cost of higher education (so that people who chose not to go to college have to pay for those who did), mortgage losses (so that people who take responsibility for their choices have to pay for those who don’t), and losses in the auto industry (so union members keep their jobs at the expense of taxpayers), among others.  He’s a socialist, Michelle.  That’s what’s been revealed.

He’s revealed that his criticisms of the war were just political posturing, as he has continued a similar path to George Bush with a war of his own, minus the will to actually win it.

He revealed that he is a divider of Americans: rich vs. poor, men vs. women, white vs. non-white, gay vs. straight.  There’s a great trait in a U.S. president, eh Michelle?

He’s revealed that this country, under his administration, is to be run by unelected “czars."

He’s revealed that he does not actually believe in transparency in the government, as he boasted in 2008, because he has not overseen a transparent administration. 

I can only assume that Michelle and her speechwriters were counting on people not to think too hard about what has been revealed in this Obama presidency.


  1. Thanks, Patrick.

    In answer to your question, yes we are that dumb, or at least some of us are. Over the decades the Left has made sure the American public is both dumbed down AND insulated from the consequences of their behaviors.

  2. The reality is that Oblame-O's an outright socisalist, plain and simple.

  3. I think that Obama has shown more fascism (government control of the means of production) rather than socialism (government ownership of the means of production). But some of both.

    The First Lady's quote, I think is adapted from the line, "Sports don't develop character; they reveal it." The incredible power and weight of the presidency, I think, does change who must holders are. I think, though, that it has NOT changed this one. He's the dangerously-flawed man that emerged from the dangerously-flawed boy.

    1. I agree, drpete. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. It makes you wonder who he is! Is he a bubbling fool who is cluesless to what he's doing and merely a tool of the left? Or is he a maniacal and evil leftist who is carrying out a progressive plot to dismantle freedom in America.
    At this point I really don't care though, I just want him out of office. Either way he is every bit as dangerous as a Hitler.

    BTW; New post, yes finally!

    1. Thanks, Jim. I'm on my way to check out your new post.
