Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is Obama Stoopid?

I once heard an old joke about a man who got a flat tire as he was driving past the local insane asylum.  Warily he got out to change the tire, nervously eyeing the spooky asylum with its barred windows and gated surroundings that stood just a few feet away.  When he noticed a man standing in front of an open window, watching him, he became quite anxious.  He hurried to change the tire, but in his haste he knocked over the hubcap in which he’d placed all of the lug nuts, and they spilled down into the sewer.  “Damn it!” he yelled, and he paced nervously, thinking about what to do.  Suddenly the man in the window was speaking to him:  “Why don’t you take one lug nut from each of the other tires and use those to hold the spare in place until you can get to a gas station?” he said.  The man liked this idea and replied, “That’s a good idea!  Say, what are you doing in that place?”  To which the man in the asylum replied, “I’m not stupid.  I’m just crazy!”

That about sums up my answer when people suggest to me that Obama is stupid.  Whether or not he’s stupid all depends on what you believe his motives to be.  If you sincerely believe that he cares about the interests of the American people and wants to advance the interests of the U.S. as a nation, well then I guess you would have to believe that he’s stupid, because it’s easy to demonstrate that nothing he’s ever done has helped those goals along. 

Personally, though, I believe Obama has much different motives in mind.  I think he wants to grow and consolidate the power of the Left and I think he wants to gratify his own ego.  To do that he needs to “spread the wealth (i.e. buy votes for himself and his party with our stolen tax dollars),” he needs to control as many aspects of our lives as possible through government and he needs to weaken our standing in the world so that he – not this nation – can be revered.  And to those ends I’d say he’s doing pretty well, which makes it hard to argue that he’s stupid.  So, is he crazy?

Well some argue, and I agree, that liberalism is a disease of the mind.  It manifests itself, I believe, as underdeveloped psychological maturity, which is why liberals display many of the behaviors that we normally associate with children.  I don’t know if that makes them “crazy,” per se, but it certainly should mean that we don’t want them running the country.


  1. Early on I thought that he might be stupid but I don't anymore.

    Everything about zero is political calculation. There is nothing about him that is stupid in my view. He cares not one wit what anyone thinks of him either. I think he's a puppet for George Soros. I won't bore you with the list.

    On the other hand, his supporters are crazy but then again they are libs which explains everything.

  2. Stupid? Nope. Never has been. He's a clever, manipulative and a bully but stupid he is not. Ever sit and really really listen when he speaks? He parses language as good as anybody I have personally heard.

  3. Hey there, Hardnox!

    I totally agree with your comments. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Agreed, Mrs. AL. The problem, though, is that that too many folks on our side don't seem to get that. They wage this fight as though they are battling stupidity or ineptitude, when really there are dark motivations involved that need to be exposed.

    1. Well, CW, I don't claim to be the sharpest knife in the drawer but one thing I know for a FACT ... everyone's greatest strength is also their greatest weakness. Given that, those who are 'in the know' politically could defeat the Resident. Sad to say, I don't think that wisdom rules the day on conservative side. Smarts, yea I won't argue that. But wisdom -- don't think so.

      FYI -- I deleted the comment below in order to place it here where it belongs. Kind of nice having the 'nest' feature for comments here at blogspot. (Guess it doesn't take much to make my day -- hehe).

    2. Yes, it’s nice to have the “reply” feature. I didn’t even notice it until you said something (being observant is not one of my best qualities).

      Both you and Hardnox hit the nail on the head. Everything Obama does is a political calculation and he’s a clever man who knows how to parse language and manipulate people. The republican candidate will need to be very clever in order to beat him, but will also have to demonstrate wisdom to get the support of conservatives. That puts us at a big disadvantage since democrats only require that their candidate be clever.

      No one should ever underestimate your sharpness, Mrs. AL!

  5. Hi Patrick,

    Thanks for you comment. Can't wait to read your post!

  6. CW,

    I like your analysis. Like Hardnox, I think that Obama is progressing right on plan. I think the worst thing that we did was underestimate not only how smart Obama was but exactly how much he hated this country, it's traditions, and it's framework.

    I pulled a lot of windshield time again last week and heard Chris Plante (WMAL) talk about an article titled "The Agitator" in the New Republic from March of 2007 - well in advance of the election and in time to recognize the danger he posed. Check this out:

    Obama ain't stupid - an excerpt:

    "Speaking of what he learned as an organizer, Obama himself told me,"I think that often times ordinary citizens are taught that decisions are made based on the public interest or grand principles, when, in fact, what really moves things is money and votes and power."

  7. Hi Common Sense!

    Thanks for coming by and thanks for the link. That was a very informative piece.

    I never really understood the public’s failure in ’07 and ’08 to see Obama for who he really is. What part of community organizer, America bashing, Wright’s church, “most liberal record in the senate,” “associated with Bill Ayers,” “spread the wealth,” and “under my plan...electricity rates will...skyrocket” did people fail to understand? Were they blind to the fact that the campaign façade did not match Obama’s actual history? Even now, after he’s saddled us with socialized medicine and driven up the debt by trillions, there are those who still think he means it when he feigns concern over the national debt.

    We have the worst of both worlds: Obama isn’t stupid but much of the electorate is.

  8. CW,

    My pleasure - I'll try and stop by more often. My mother became politically active during the Goldwater era. She and a bunch of her friends faced down Sal Alinsky when he visited a Presbyterian Church in San Jose, CA (1965 I think - how wrong is that? A Communist in church). When Obama came on the scene and some talking head would say "what is a community organizer anyway?" She would yell at the TV, "It's a COMMUNIST!" and she was right.

    1. Yes she was! She sounds like a woman I could admire.

  9. Stockwell Day said, "A conservative is a liberal who got mugged by reality." This, CW, is absolutely-brilliantly-written and -thought. The nail and nothing but the nail was hit by your hammer.

  10. Thank you again, drpete! Looks like we need to get busy mugging the rest of the liberals. :)
